People change. Memories don't.
Feb 15, 2022

Talking about changes and regrets, acknowledgement and purpose.
What makes one, one?
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are” - Osho.
What about all the other things you have been until you have become you?
The mistakes and the joys... The opportunities and the lack of it.
What can you do to change your life in order to find “yourself”?
What do you have to loose to win “yourself”?
What do you have to let go or hold tight to become “yourself”?
What is it, that makes you, you? Oneself.
Is it routine, is it loyalty, is it stability or constant change, is it calm or need of action? Is it death or the beginning of a new life?
I once heard you can’t meet your love at a funeral - and I disagreed.
My uncle and his girlfriend, one of my mother’s work colleague and closest friends - when my grandfather passed away, my uncle fell into tears, he was heartbroken. His father had left him, not to mention his ex-girlfriend as well... Shoulders against shoulders, my mother’s friend held his hands and remained holding it until he got home.
It has been 11 years of their non-ending caring and loving relationship.
“I had to commit all the mistakes I did, and be all the bad I could be, to get to be where I am with your uncle right now...”. 
That made me wonder, are mistakes really mistakes? Is death really death or the beginning of a new journey? 
They have never been more in love, just like teenagers. She got younger, he bought a motorbike and they live a life of adventures crossing Canada-USA border, cooking - or baking and going to the gym!
You know, I stopped believing in destiny, but that "if the horse pass in front of you - you grab it!". 
But if they say that what’s yours will find its way back, what does opportunity means?

“I had to commit all the mistakes I did, and be all the bad I could be, to get to be where I am".

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